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This lot is closed. Bidding ended on 8/12/2011.
Very rarely does something you read these days make your eyes widen in complete amazement as to the content; literally making them back up and re-read the last sentences to be sure what you read is actually on the page. The incredible anticipation as to what may come next holds your complete attention. These letters will make you do just that, and in fact paint quite a vivid picture of the relationships between the immortal coach John Wooden, his star player Lew Alcindor (Kareem Abdul-Jabbar) and the fans of UCLA basketball during 1968. These two letters are hand-written by John Wooden, the first of which is on UCLA stationary. Both are written to his close friend and fellow Hall of Famer, Charles “Stretch” Murphy. The first letter is dated “7/25/68” and opens by addressing a newspaper clipping that Stretch sent to Wooden regarding “Lew’s comments”. It goes on to say, in part, “Frankly, I am disgusted with many of his comments but I am probably more tolerant because I have heard remarks by white people such as ‘Hey, look at that big black freak’, ‘Look at that big n*****’, and many others of a similar nature. Since it is always white people, no wonder he tends to get bitter… I tried to explain that he startled people… he said that I was understanding but there was no way that I could truly understand because I was not a negro.” It continues “Stretch, it wouldn’t grieve me but would be a break for me if he (Alcindor) did not return as his being here has caused more problems than you can imagine. We would have good teams without him and the extra he has added hasn’t been worth the headaches…” (signed) “John”. The second letter is dated “8/27/68” and continues in the same manner, “…I am tired of making excuses for him. He is over it now and feel its time for him to accept the facts of life… we would have had fine teams and less problems without him and if he shouldn’t return this year, I’d probably leap with joy.” This next section is underlined by Wooden in red, “Keep this under your hat as my director would probably fire me for letting my inner thoughts be known outside.” It continues, “I knew a year ago, long before a boycott that he wasn’t going to the Olympics. Now I have been threatened if I play him – by alumni, by outsiders, by crackpots, etc. You’d be surprised at some of the letters I have received.” (signed) “John”. These two incredible letters are hand-written by Coach Wooden in bold blue ink that is extremely legible and clear. The envelopes are included for each letter that Wooden has signed (John Wooden) above his UCLA address and marked “Confidential See Note!”. They are in NM overall condition showing signs of being folded in thirds. An incredibly rare find, accompanied by a LOA from JSA.
Current Bidding
Minimum Bid: $10,000
Price Realized: $21,600
Number Bids:10
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